Apr. 13, 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA - April 9 2015

My heart aches for you..how I long to hear your voice.
When I think of your smile I tremble with bittersweet yearning
to catch one more glimpse of it.
I find myself searching for the feel of the softness of rose petals -
they remind me of your touch.
I wonder, when I cry at night, can you hear me?
When I see you in my dreams, were you really here?
A few pictures and memories have become sacred and holy because that's all I have left of you. What I wouldn't do to have just a moment or two to be with you once more.
You left us too soon - we have so much to tell you still.
You were the love of my life and my truest friend.
Until the day we meet again, I won't lie, the tears will still flow on my pillow in the silence of the night, the pictures will fade and some memories forgotten. . .
but my love for you will forever bloom

Happy Birthday Ma

Sylvia Scianname
Feb. 13, 2015

Sweet Childhood memories

I beleive in the subconscious mind. From what I have read about it it serves as an all knowing , powerful tool that acts as our protector. I love to think that this is where God lives.  This is where stored memories, both good and bad can be recovered. Talents and brilliant ideas are born here. Extraordinary strength and power we never knew we had can be found here.  Art to me is a form of meditation, prayer, connecting with the subconscious – with GOD. Whether i am sitting at the canvas or just doodling while talking on the telephone, the images that appear have a lot to do with what's going on inside a person's heart and soul. It may not be obvious but possibly symbolic. The subconscious probes us to take a moment, and urges us to ponder about what is right in front of us and block out all that is in the past and future and be fully in the moment.  You've all heard of hypnosis where people try to reach their subconscious mind in order to change behaviors or addictions. Why is it that we all have been blessed with such an amazing power yet we are convinced it is inaccessible?   Letting go is the one thing we can do but we all find it so difficult. For myself, while in a conscious state,  being peaceful requires for me to struggle to focus on the present moment and repeatedly tell myself to stop the wheels of worry and planning in my mind. Achieving even a slight level of peace seems like I’ve been through a battle of some sort. However, i have noticed that when i sit to paint peace and silence just seem to happen naturally and effortlessly. I forget to eat, i have no need to go to the washroom, i don't even hear sounds around me. I can snap out of it if the dog suddenly lets out a bark or if the phone rings but it seems i slip into some sort of exquisite trance where my mind and hand are no longer associated with one another. It's a delicious force coming  from beyond my physical body and senses - taking over in peace and gratitude. My ego is no longer calling the shots and i know this to be true by the way the brushes loaded with paint fill up the canvas knowing what to do all on their own. I marvel in awe at the finished work wondering how and why this piece turned out this way ? The FLINTSTONE Doodle i highlighted here is proof that the subconscious is working within us every second of every day. Here i was, deep in conversation, pen in hand and paper in front of me. Consciously i was listening to the person on the other end of the phone but subconsciously the power flowed through me to draw some of my most loved and cherished characters ! It did bring me to a full STOP! I remembered fondly how I tried over and over again to get these characters to look authentic. How my big sister and I would lie down on the floor each with a pencil and paper and spend hours drawing and sketching. The sweet memories of how my passion began to take form and a gentle reminder that the passion is still there. 

Jan. 26, 2015


Someitmes I get down.  I think to myself the years are passing so fast and i'm still not where i wanna be. I don't mean to be as famous as LEO but i wouldn't mind a little regognition? When will i paint my MONA LISA ?  

Speaking of THE MONA LISA, Did you know Leonardo Da Vinci's MONA LISA was painted by him when he was 53 years old ? He was born in the year of 1452 and the MONA LISA was created in 1505. This painting propelled him into an eternity of fame and it happened so late in his life! Whenever i remember this fact the darkness gets brighter for me. 

I decided to hunt around for more inspiring stories.  

How about Barack Obama ? Set aside your political views and just imagine what he had to go through to get where he is today.  Here is a man of 48 years old and his passion is to become one of the most powerful men in the world. He most assuredly had to fight back against racism , and  i'm sure he experienced tremendous doubt, fear, and uncertainty on his incredible journey. But he had a dream and he focused on seeing himself on that podium, turned away from what must have been serious negativity, and dived into the sea to get his treasure! Not only did he win one term, but he is now in his SECOND term !  

Next, SUSAN BOYLE ! Born in 1961 and rose to stardom in 2009 at the age of 48!! Her story is truly an inspirational one. Here was a woman with such amazing talent. In her heart, i assume she beleived in herself, even if no one else around did. She followed her heart, against all odds such as age and more youthful competition, and boldly stood on that stage knowing it could either humiliate or make her a star ! Guess what ?  She's a DAZZLING  STAR and doing what she loves most! 

All these folks have one thing in common. Against all odds they remained loyal to their passion. Age, race, financial status, looks, and competition. These five frightening emotions are the main doubt triggers that hold us back, keep us in a state of fear, and more often than we'd like to admit makes us feel like giving it all up. I have come to realize that the heart has power. We need to connect fully and without doubt to the power of our souls and be grateful for the God Given talents we have been blessed with. Whenever one of the "frights" start creeping up on you stop for a moment and remember we are all here for a purpose. Stay true to yourself and your dream and watch how the heaven's open up and shower you with the gift of making it all come true !  Your MONA LISA is in the works - GUARRANTEED ! 


Dec. 31, 2014



There is something about a blank slate that motivates us into springing into action. I remember when i was a little girl i would get a feeling of such exhilaration when i'd see fresh, gleaming white paper! I loved the way my pencil or pen would glide over the paper and i found i could create things. Some were pretty things like flowers, trees, The sun and rainbow. I could make them come alive with colored markers and those old crayola crayons ! We didn't own a sharpener so i remember by father would use a knife to whittle away at the pencils in order to reveal more lead. it was all so wonderful ! The clean, fresh, brand new paper held promise of new beginnings!  Enchanting colorful surprises! Knowing i could create something beautiful and lasting ! Or, if i didn't like it i could just crumple up the paper and throw it away. ( we didn't recycle back then )  And then I could start again! That feeling for me has never diminished over the years. Still, when i see a blank paper or canvas i get those delicious feelings of anticipation and eagerness to paint, express and create !! 

The start of a brand new year is something like a blank canvas. It's empty, bare, pure, untarnished, untouched. On the last day or a few weeks prior we make our plans. Joining the gym, losing that weight, finding that great new job, etc...Each dream is a brush stroke and as our hopes spill onto the canvas of life we begin to see what form, color and shape these decisions and choices we made look like. 

Whether we want to reach a goal or just simply be happy, here are a few things to keep in mind!

1 – Approach the canvas and life with love, gentleness and kindness. Try to make it a pleasant experience. Notice the beauty all around you in nature, people, pets and let yourself be divinely guided and inspired. We only go around once! Make it count and make it beautiful!  

2 – Be patient and thoughtful when stroking the brush on the blank canvas or when dealing with people. Sometimes things take time to unfold and perhaps the decision to use an altered shade will change the portrait for the better  - as in life, sometimes a simple smile, or a kind word can make a world of difference to someone.  

3 – Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether for your craft, a personal matter, or simply because you feel alone. Many times our ego gets in the way and we refuse to let go of our pride insisting we go at things alone.  Open yourself up to others ie : family, friends, coworkers and embrace them in your heart and minds. Accept trust in your life and let go of the fear. Teachers are everywhere not just in the classroom.

4 – Be peaceful and always in a state of humbleness. Mistakes are not a reason to punish but an opportunity to correct. However, if we allow anger and jealousy to dominate we can create nothing except darkness and misery.   

5 – Be positive about the choices you make because some of those strokes are irreversible. Use your mind but don’t forget your heart!  Loving, forgiving, and letting go of the past are key to living in peace and this also means to love, and forgive yourself. This powerful healing lifts and heals our creative blocks bringing to us all that is perfect, whole and complete.

6 – Dream! Dream !  Dream ! The canvas is yours as is your life! You can either color it with dull, ugly strokes, rushing through It and even feeling rage for it not turning out as planned and then complain and feel guilty for not having taken better care of it ! Or, you can lovingly and gently prepare the canvas, choose the colors with a clear, peaceful mind, and begin the process of painting in a state of exquisite joy allowing the splendor and loveliness to shine through.  Then marvel at how it glimmers with love and beauty forever!


What will your canvas look like ?



Sylvia Scianname Studio ©awesomeart


Dec. 23, 2014


Many people don’t realize that beyond being a sculptor and painter Michelangelo was also a poet.

Though Michelangelo took great pride in his artwork he had a much more humble view of his poetry calling it, “something foolish”. Michelangelo wrote over 300 poems. Many of his most impressive sonnets were written to his close friend Vittoria Colonna. Along with his poems of admiration and devotion are poems of a spiritual and mystical nature.

No mortal thing enthralled these longing eyes
When perfect peace in thy fair face I found;
But far within, where all is holy ground,
My soul felt Love, her comrade of the skies:
For she was born with God in Paradise;
Nor all the shows of beauty shed around
This fair false world her wings to earth have bound:
Unto the Love of Loves aloft she flies.
Nay, things that suffer death, quench not the fire
Of deathless spirits; nor eternity
Serves sordid Time, that withers all things rare.
Not love but lawless impulse is desire:
That slays the soul; our love makes still more fair
Our friends on earth, fairer in death on high.

read more Michelangelo poetry at : http://www.michelangelo-gallery.com/poems.aspx

by: Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564)