Dec. 19, 2014


I'm featuring this particular piece , AFTER THE RAIN because it is the first painting i ever sold. It was a fairly easy painting fo rme to create, it took about 6 hours and at the completion of the painting i felt a satisfaction and a peace wash over me as I gazed upon the finished work. It was not the most beautiful piece of art I had ever seen but  there was something about it. Something i could not put my finger on but somehow this mysterious " something " was captured on the canvas and for lack of a better word, made this painting " magical! " I call it ABSTRACT because it isn't quite landscape nor is it still life. It isn't quite abstract either. To me, it exudes the quote below " it is a shadow of the Divine Perfection ." It was my special secret piece for over a year. Apparently no one saw what I " saw " in it so there it hung day after day, month after month , and every time I looked at it i got a special little fuzzy feeling inside. Secretly, I was happy to still be the owner of it. Then, it happened. A nice lady , who was totally clueless when it came to art and the art world, had become quite excited about AFTER THE RAIN. She repeated to me on several occasions that this kind of work was not really something she would normally add to her collection of pieces but for some reason she could not stop thinking about this painting. She told me she kept vsualizing it on her wall, and it "spoke " to her. She told me she just had to have it. She asked me if I knew why this painting was making such a dramatic impact on her and I really could not explain it to her Except to say that God appears to us in different forms, in this case, the formless captured on canvas , and that fuzzy inexplainable feeling inside is His Divine Perfect Shadow whispering to our heart.

Dec. 19, 2014

My Mother // April 9 1930 - April 10 2010

When the holidays get closer the excitement of gift giving, planning a menu, the rush to get things done overwhelms us and takes up most of our time and thoughts. However, amid the hustle and bustle of the pre, during and after Christmas festivities, me, and a whole lot of other people carry within an unspoken saddness that is highlighted especially during the holidays. Having lost a  loved one we instinctively know the feeling of emptiness and the depth of pain we felt at the time and still feel today. A wise person said to me once, " You never really get over the death of a loved one, you just learn to live with it. "

My lost loved one is my mother. People who knew her described her as "spunky" " friendly " " generous" " kind " and " intelligent!". She loved to laugh heartily and belted out songs from the bottom of her heart while cleaning on Saturday mornings. I can remember watching THE CAROL BURNETT SHOW , THREE'S COMPANY and ALL IN THE FAMILY and the whole family roaring with laughter with fits of hilarity. Mostly though, i remember her radiant smile that was as beautiful as the morning sunrise.       

She was barely 5 foot tall and about 100 pounds but boy could she eat ! She had an appetite like a BEAR and the energy of a horse ! She was an ALL or NOTHING type of  person. Passionate and total in everything she did. Whether it came to eating, laughing, housecleaning, or proving a point,  she committed herself utterly and completely and the results were always OUTSTANDING !

She was very feminine, always looked and acted like a Lady. She enjoyed dressing up and had tons of clothes, most of them she made herself. She was an extraordinary seamstress and made her clothes as well as mine and my sister’s. Some of her clothes were store bought but she never spent more than 10.00 for a pair of shoes and her most expensive dress barely cost 20.00, she was quite adept at finding the best deal in town! No matter if she sewed it herself or bought it on sale, when she wore them she looked like a million bucks !  She just had that knack for making something out of nothing.

Her house was HER castle and SHE was the QUEEN and made no secret of it! She had a commanding regal presence and the rest of us obeyed or else. Make no mistake about it, she had the last word and we came to expect and accept that. Opinionated, controlling, THE TRAILBLAZER of the family - and we loved it, even appreciated it ! Admittedly it was sometimes infuriating but most of the time willingly tolerated because in return we got her stamp of approval and what more could we ask for ? Being with her was like being with a glorious butterfly. She had an amazing vigor which was so dynamic you got tired just watching her. Always well groomed, and a beauty that emanated from the inside out - she sparkled like a polished precious diamond right up until her moment of departing this world. I remember looking at her face that i deeply loved and cherished - and gazing in awe at how serene and flawless she looked even in her final moments of life. I determined that even cancer could not tarnish this woman's elegance and dignity.

My mother was a tower of strength with her wise advice and hopeful heart.  She was a place of sanctuary when friends deserted me and things around me fell apart, faithfully she clung to me with her entire being. An oasis of pure love- she was the truest friend i ever had whether deserving or not i could always count on her to "BE THERE" for me and without fail, she always was! 

Angels in Heaven sing with my mother  as the birds serenade the coming of the first Spring flowers and i am certain i hear her sweet laughter echoing in the swirling soft breeze of an Autumn sunset. The Summer morning mist catches rays of sunlight that remind me of her shiny, golden mane of honey blonde hair. But most of all, the brightly lit holiday lights with fresh Christmas snow shimmering on the branches of the Evergreen bring me back to the enchanting memories of the timeless love only a mother can give.

Merry Christmas Ma ! Love you forever ! xoxo


Dec. 19, 2014


"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.

